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Contribution by Andrea Izzotti

They talk to each other. They name their babies. They use tools, play, gossip and mourn. They are

self-aware, recognising themselves in a mirror and altruistic, racing to protect other animals in

distress like a squad of marine first responders. They communicate with each other and some even have

regional accents and dialects. New science is suggesting that dolphins’ echolocation skills allow them

to project an ‘auditory image’ to other members of their group – essentially a hologram of what they

are seeing.

All this has been possible thanks to all of the scientists and associations that have helped us!

Ingrid Visser


Eduard Degollada


—  Name, Title

Cetaceans appeared about 50M years ago, making them one of the oldest mammal species on earth. Since then, they evolved to become a marine animal and the most gracious and intelligent creature in the animal kingdom. 

Hunting might resume more broadly


The admiration for these animals has been represented over centuries within our culture. Ancient Mediterranean people gave dolphins the sensitive role of carrying souls to their new life after death. The “carriers of souls” role was probably related to their instinctive tendency to help and rescue men at sea. 

But that admiration didn’t give us the tools to really understand them. Perhaps the only reason why humans are considered the only intelligent species, is because we have never fully understood other species or even considered a higher or different type of intelligence exists.


Much like us, cetaceans and particularly dolphins have the need for comfort and love. However, this resemblance to humans doesn’t stop there, they also benefit from having a sense of humour as much as we do and have been  reported to tease bars, turtles and other fish.

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In many ways cetaceans are similar to humans. They experience emotions in similar ways to us. They also have the need for social organisation. Cooperation is one of the most important abilities for any social species. From hunting, breeding, to child-rearing, collaboration has allowed many animals, including humans, to survive and thrive. As we better understand  how these animals work together, researchers have been focusing on the degree of cooperation and the cognitive abilities required for such activities.

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